Ep 7 – Good songs featured in not so good movies

Now this is a subjective episode indeed, if ever a subjective episode I did see.  It’s got double the opinions. I’m defining what I think are good songs, and what I think are not so good movies. There’s plenty of room for controversy here. To me it’s pretty easy to define whether or not a song is good…would I skip it or play it if it came on shuffle on my ipod? Accounting for mood of course, I think I’d happily listen to all ten of these songs, and that’s good enough for me.

Defining a not so good movie proved to be a little bit more complicated though. I haven’t gone for the worst movies ever; b-movies which crashed and burned, made no money, and are unfamiliar to all but the most dedicated cinephiles. Instead I’ve gone for big films, franchises, blockbusters, and ones that you’ve probably heard of. Some of them are even bearable. I got the whole way through a couple. They maybe even have some good bits in them. But by and large they’re horrible sequels, remakes, or adaptations that should never have seen the light of day, and clearly made it to the silver screen based not on the pure and honest desire to artistically create something, but on the desire to get all the dolla’ possible. The point is, they’re not good enough for these songs. Someone somewhere got the budget wrong and gave far too much money to acquiring song rights instead of hiring screenwriters, and thus created this divide in quality between music and material. These are my top ten good songs, which feature in not so good movies.

Download the podcast and subscribe to it on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/martes-at-the-movies/id984057218?mt=2

What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

Facebook me your suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/martesatthemovies

Youtube playlist of this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2VqTHSsLUXjH5kOCMYiyh-If



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