Ep 9 – Best songs sung by a movie’s hero

So we’ve talked about the villains, now it’s time for the heroes, by which I mean by the way, both male and females, They are the protagonists, the goodies, the main characters, who are usually noted for their courageous actions.. Admittedly, because they are the ones who drive the plot along, and we as the audience get to spend a lot more time in their company, it’s a little harder to define a hero’s song than a villain’s song, because sure they get to sing loads of songs!

Well, one of the nicest thing about the hero is that he or she is never usually too cocky. They’re more relatable, often underdogs, who need help to overcome the personal obstacles in their journey to vanquish the villain and find where they belong. So for me, this leaves us with two types of hero songs, the “I want song”, and the “I am song”.

Firstly, the “I want song”, which also often serves as our introduction to the hero near the start of the movie. We meet the hero as he or she opens their heart to us, expressing their uncertainties, hopes, and desires about the future, wishes for strength, love, and finding their place in the world. It’s a classically wistful, optimistic, but slightly uncertain hero’s song right at the beginning, from which point the hero goes on to grow and develop throughout the movie.

Or there’s the “I am song.” This is the hero’s turning point, the moment when they gain a newfound confidence, or belief, and decide to mark a change in their life, move forward, and bring these desires to life. It’s the song that enables them to take steps towards making these dreams come true and turning their life around.

Two slightly different moulds of songs for our heroes to sing, ten songs that made it onto the list, and more Disney than ever before, so be prepared for that! It’s time for my top ten list of songs sung by a movie’s hero.

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What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

Facebook me your suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/martesatthemovies

Youtube playlist of this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2VooZLwKNqrspjhZkMlHMey5



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