Ep 10 – Best movie closing songs

Be warned, here there be spoilers. Spoilers ahead. X on the map marks the spoiler. Spoilerly waters coming up. Have I made myself understood? I will try my very best to talk in as general terms as possible about the relationship between these songs and spoilery movie endings, but I’ll probably end up mentioning at least one thing at some point that will give away a bit of a film’s ending…if only because I think a film’s closing song is so very important for the story of a film!

A good closing song sends you away from the cinema (or let’s face it, Netflix or Hulu) feeling just how the director wants you to feel. A good closing song can encapsulate the atmosphere, theme, or lesson of a film in three short minutes, and can make you go away from the film feeling sad, wistful, optimistic, happy, or basically anything else on the spectrum of emotions. Somewhat embarrassingly, nearly half of the closing songs on this list have made me cry, which I’m pretty sure is less a reflection on how invested I get in the lives of fictional characters, and more a reflection on the excellent work of the music supervision teams behind these films.

So here they are. Top notch songs which see us through that transition from the closing scene of a movie and into the end credits. This is my top ten list of best movie closing songs.

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What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

Facebook me your suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/martesatthemovies

Youtube playlist of this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2Vo-plCoj4RD9XqUFxShqjI3


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