Ep 6 – Best Performances from fictional movie choirs and bands

Almost everyone’s got a favourite band, choir, or other type of musical ensemble, right? Whatever the style of music that you like, across every genre from country, to hiphop, by way of choral and classic rock, for generations upon generations people have been coming together to make music. And it’s great, the whole collaborative process…sparking ideas off one another, forming a bond with the other members of your band or choir, and coming together as a team.

It’s also perhaps a reason why it’s sometimes more fun to follow a fictional band or choir than a real life one. Unless you’re Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malick, real life issues within a band usually stay private, and we as the consuming audience often aren’t aware of exactly what goes on behind the scenes. We see the polished finished product, the music videos and shiny CDs, the professional concerts, and not the exhaustion, fights, struggles, and hard work behind it all. Not so when we follow a fictional band or choir however! We get to know the personalities of the characters, and the dynamics of the groups, as we see them go through auditions, lead ups to big competitions, single releases, let downs…and of course the big main performance showcasing just who they are as a group.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today…those big performances which give our favourite fictional bands their time to shine. We watch them develop, fail, and grow, and now it’s time for my top ten list of best performances by movie bands and choirs.

Download the podcast and subscribe to it on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/martes-at-the-movies/id984057218?mt=2

What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

Facebook me your suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/martesatthemovies

Youtube playlist of all this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2Vo6ELP7Rfhgjo2VbiKWqONU




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