Ep 8 – Best movie serenade moments

The huge, sweeping, over the top romantic gesture is a staple of the romantic comedy, the romantic non-comedy, and basically any movie featuring a romantic plot, sub plot, or thread of some sort. Movie couples are very rarely low-key about anything, are they? Public declarations of love are more than common, and the bigger the crowd you do it in front of,  or the bigger the chance of embarrassment then the more you love the girl. And of course, if you do it through song then even better.

Ah, the serenade. Admitting your undying love through the medium of music. I’ve got to admit, a public serenade is the type of gesture which in real life would quite likely send me running for a table to hide underneath, but in the movies it does make me swoon a little bit. And that’s what today’s all about. The big romantic declaration which simultaneously enamours and mortifies, leaving you with a red face and butterflies in your stomach. It’s time for my top ten list of best movie serenade moments.

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What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

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Youtube playlist of this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2Vr2rpar8IQ8lRxYSKWPFh9U



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