4 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Martes, I just started listening to your podcast, great work. My wife and I try to watch every oscar nominated movie before the Academy Awards (yes, every movie in every category) – then we go head-to-head with our ballot sheets on Award night.

    Anyway, my question for you is about the process of adding a podcast to a wordpress.com site. I have a wordpress.com site at http://www.asmruniversity.com. I would like to add a podcast to it like you have. I read the wordpress.com tutorial page but I still am unclear if there are any additional costs or sites needed to do this.

    So here are my questions:
    1) Once I have recorded and edited my mp3 file, do I have everything I need to turn that into a podcast via my wordpress.com site?
    2) Are there any additional costs to host it on wordpress.com?
    3) Are there broadband limits when hosting it on wordpress.com?

    I really have no idea how to do this, I understand the start (recording and preparing the mp3), but no idea how to turn that into a podcast.

    Any suggestions or help you have would be great.

    Thanks, Craig Richard

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    1. Hey Craig,

      Sorry for the slow reply! Thanks so much for listening to the podcast, I’m really glad that you enjoy it! That’s a great idea for an Oscars party – I definitely need to try it next year!
      In answer to your questions:
      1) Yes! WordPress makes it super easy to podcast. The only other thing you need to think about is where you want to host the actual mp3 file.
      2) There are indeed extra costs to host on wordpress, you need to sign up for their premium service to be able to host audio on wordpress, which is $99 per year if I understand correctly. I host my mp3 files on archive.org, which is free. Then I link to the mp3 file in my blog posts.
      3) As far as the broadband limits go, I really have no idea! I know that there is a space limit of 13gb with the premium service, but as I don’t personally use it I don’t know if I can help any more than that.

      Hope that helps you out! Feel free to get back to me with any questions you might have,


      1. Briony,

        Thank you for the helpful reply.

        I looked into archives.org and it sounds like a good option. As a host site it appears not to have any broadband limits.

        Thanks again, Craig


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