Ep 5 – Best Movie Villain Songs

I’m not sure what exactly it says about me that my favourite song off any given movie soundtrack is almost always the villain’s song. When I was about ten years old I took a presumably highly scientific quiz online which decided which Hogwarts house I belonged in…and it did put me in Slytherin , so perhaps that has something to do with it. I initially refused to accept my destiny, sure that the test was just faulty and that I would end up in Gryffindor in the real world, but with time I’ve come not just to accept it, but also to be a loyal member of the home to pretty much every evil wizard ever to come out of Hogwarts. I’ve got Slytherin cups, door hangers, and even a beanie. I’m proudly on the dark side. Plus, Loki is easily the best character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and if you don’t think that you’re just kidding yourself.

Just think about it…why wouldn’t you be a fan of the bad guy? The villains have all the fun. They’re allowed to be moody, and sarcastic, and they get the best songs. The lyrics are deliciously clever, twisted, and ironic. They’re always written in a fabulous minor key with a brilliant strings or bass background accompaniment, and it all builds to an exceptional climax.

To make things even better, every single one of the songs in this week’s top ten list comes from either a Disney film, or a musical, so I couldn’t be more in my element. Let your fear lead to anger, anger lead to hate, and hate lead you to the dark side for my top ten list of movie villain songs.

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What are your opinions? Agree or disagree? What did I miss out or judge too harshly?

Tweet me your thoughts: https://twitter.com/itsjustbri1

Facebook me your suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/martesatthemovies

Youtube playlist of this week’s songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRSnYeGHZ2VoxAMyKDARbliDaWL9CwF2c



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